
The purpose of this tournament is to have fun, so make sure that you are having fun, and make sure your opponent is having fun.

Whatever the Rules Judge rules is final.

Best Overall (Combo of Battlepoints, Paint score, Sportsmanship)
Best General (straight up battlepoints)
Best Painted (paint points, players choice paint points, judges paint points)
Best Sportsman (sportsmanship points, players choice sports points, higher victory points are tie breaker)
Dead Ass Last

Paint points are simple:
Does all models have 3 colors Yes No (3 pts)
Does all models have basing Yes No (3 pts)
Does army have a theme Yes No (3 pts)
Are the above questions all yes? (1 pt)

3 judges will have 10 pts to spread accross the armies of their choice. On the player sheet each player will get to choose which army they felt was the best looking army they played for a bonus 5 pts.

Sportsmanship is simple:
Was your opponent a douchebag? Yes No (3 pts)
Was your game un-enjoyable? Yes No (3 pts)
Did your opponent try to cheat in any way? Yes No (3 pts)
Are the above questions all No? (1 pt)

On the player sheet each player will get to choose which opponent they felt was their favorite they played for a bonus 5 pts.

Battlepoints scoring will be:
Major Victory 10
Minor Victory 7
Draw 5
Minor Loss 3
Major Loss 0

Victory conditions will be defined per the mission. Secondary VPs will be defined in the mission. Each mission will have a primary which will gain them Major, minor, draw conditions and secondary VPs will add to the overall points per round.